Display 2841 - 2880 hits of 4710.
R-gnlm | 0.4-1 | i386 | R-package: Generalized nonlinear regression models | Old RedHat 6.X |
R-growth | 0.5-1 | i386 | R-package: Normal theory repeated measurements models | Old RedHat 6.X |
R-growth | 0.4-1 | i386 | R-package: Normal theory repeated measurements models | Old RedHat 6.X |
R-KernSmooth | 2.22.R2-3 | i386 | R-package: Kernel Smoothing | Old RedHat 6.X |
R-KernSmooth | 2.22.R2-1 | i386 | R-package: Kernel Smoothing | Old RedHat 6.X |
R-lme | 3.0.R0-1 | i386 | Linear mixed effects library for R | Old RedHat 6.X |
R-lme | 2.9.R4-3 | i386 | Linear mixed effects library for R | Old RedHat 6.X |
R-lmtest | 0.1.R2-2 | i386 | R package: Testing linear models | Old RedHat 6.X |
R-lmtest | 0.1.R2-1 | i386 | R package: Testing linear models | Old RedHat 6.X |
R-locfit | 19980714-4 | i386 | Local Regression, Likelihood and Density Estimtion for R | Old RedHat 6.X |
R-locfit | 19980714-3 | i386 | Local Regression, Likelihood and Density Estimtion for R | Old RedHat 6.X |
R-logspline | 1.0.R2-4 | i386 | Logspline density estimation for R | Old RedHat 6.X |
R-logspline | 1.0.R2-3 | i386 | Logspline density estimation for R | Old RedHat 6.X |
R-mlbench | 0.3.R2-3 | i386 | Machine Learning Benchmark Problems for R | Old RedHat 6.X |
R-mlbench | 0.3.R2-2 | i386 | Machine Learning Benchmark Problems for R | Old RedHat 6.X |
R-multiv | 1.0.R3-1 | i386 | R-package: Multivariate Data Analysis Routines for R | Old RedHat 6.X |
R-multiv | 1.0.R1-3 | i386 | R-package: Multivariate Data Analysis Routines for R | Old RedHat 6.X |
R-oz | 1.0.R3-4 | i386 | R functions to plot the Australian coastline and states | Old RedHat 6.X |
R-oz | 1.0.R3-3 | i386 | R functions to plot the Australian coastline and states | Old RedHat 6.X |
R-pls | 0.1.R1-2 | i386 | R-package: univariate Partial Least Squares Regression. | Old RedHat 6.X |
R-pls | 0.1.R1-1 | i386 | R-package: univariate Partial Least Squares Regression. | Old RedHat 6.X |
R-polymars | 1.0.R2-4 | i386 | (polychotomous) regression based on Multivariate Adaptive Re | Old RedHat 6.X |
R-polymars | 1.0.R2-3 | i386 | (polychotomous) regression based on Multivariate Adaptive Re | Old RedHat 6.X |
R-polynom | 1.1.R2-2 | i386 | Univariate polynomial class for R | Old RedHat 6.X |
R-polynom | 1.1.R2-1 | i386 | Univariate polynomial class for R | Old RedHat 6.X |
R-ppr | 1.1.R2-2 | i386 | R-package: Projection pursuit regression | Old RedHat 6.X |
R-ppr | 1.1.R2-1 | i386 | R-package: Projection pursuit regression | Old RedHat 6.X |
R-princurve | 1.0.R8-1 | i386 | R-package: fits a principal curve to a data matrix | Old RedHat 6.X |
R-princurve | 1.0.R7-1 | i386 | R-package: fits a principal curve to a data matrix | Old RedHat 6.X |
R-pspline | 1.0.R2-4 | i386 | Penalized smoothing splines for R | Old RedHat 6.X |
R-pspline | 1.0.R2-3 | i386 | Penalized smoothing splines for R | Old RedHat 6.X |
R-quadprog | 1.4.R1-1 | i386 | R functions to solve Quadratic Programming Problems. | Old RedHat 6.X |
R-quadprog | 1.2.R2-3 | i386 | R functions to solve Quadratic Programming Problems. | Old RedHat 6.X |
R-quantreg | 2.0.R2-4 | i386 | Quantile regression for R. | Old RedHat 6.X |
R-quantreg | 2.0.R2-3 | i386 | Quantile regression for R. | Old RedHat 6.X |
R-rational | 1.0.R5-4 | i386 | R functions to find numerical rational approximations | Old RedHat 6.X |
R-rational | 1.0.R5-3 | i386 | R functions to find numerical rational approximations | Old RedHat 6.X |
R-repeated | 0.5-1 | i386 | R-package: Models for non-normal repeated measurements | Old RedHat 6.X |
R-repeated | 0.4-1 | i386 | R-package: Models for non-normal repeated measurements | Old RedHat 6.X |
R-rmutil | 0.5-1 | i386 | R-package: Tools for repeated measurements | Old RedHat 6.X |